Many middle and high school sports and programs require that students get school physicals. The school may ask for a recent school physical to qualify the student for the program. Getting an appointment with the student’s primary care physician in a timely fashion can be difficult. Urgent care facilities offer faster access to a school physical with qualified medical professionals.
Why get a school physical?
Some caregivers wonder why they should take a child to get a school physical. Children may have gotten a physical only a few months ago. The student may seem healthy. Some students do not like seeing the doctor. But there are several reasons why getting a school physical is smart.
Many school programs require a school physical that is recent. Even if the child saw their doctor several months ago, it may not be recent enough to satisfy the school’s requirements. Schools and sports conferences can enforce the requirement. Students who do not comply may not participate.
It can catch hidden issues. A student may appear healthy but have an underlying problem that has not caused symptoms yet. More than half of student injuries occur during practice. In rare cases, students can develop serious medical problems. The school physical is a way to help screen that student. If the doctor detects a health issue, they can direct caregivers to appropriate treatment.
What happens during the school physicals?
The doctor will ask the student a series of questions about how the student feels and any issues or problems. The staff at the urgent care will check the student’s vital signs. Students will undergo a basic vision exam as well as a cardiovascular exam. Students frequently go through growth spurts, and this can put a lot of stress on joints. The doctor will also want to know about any problems in the student’s medical history.
Some urgent care facilities can also help caregivers keep up with state-mandated or school-required vaccinations. Even if the student does not need a vaccination, it is important to bring the immunization card along. The doctor at the urgent care facility will want to review it. It helps to provide a fuller medical picture.
Convenience and speed
Urgent care clinics are very convenient for school physicals. These clinics often do not require appointments, so the student can walk in and still receive a physical. Urgent care clinics are often located closer to a primary care doctor’s office. Caregivers appreciate that these clinics usually take most forms of insurance and also have a set fee structure if caregivers choose to pay out-of-pocket. Not all doctors’ offices are open on the weekends, but many urgent care clinics are. This works great for students because it means they do not have to miss school to get a school physical.
Get school physicals at an urgent care clinic today
With convenient locations and hours, it is a good idea to get a school physical from an urgent care clinic. Urgent care clinics are far easier to access after school and work or on the weekend than a primary care doctor. Students can access the sports program, and caregivers can have peace of mind. School physicals protect students, and urgent care clinics help make it easier to get one.
Get more information here: or call Texas Urgent Care & Imaging Center at (832) 941-1894
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