Allergies - A reaction to a specific substance in which the body rejects the substance believing it is harmful to the body. Allergic reactions are a common reason one may experience a sinus infection.
Anosmia - This term refers to the loss of the sense of smell, which is somewhat common during a sinus infection. While there are other causes, the symptom of anosmia suggests the presence of a sinus infection.
Barosinusitis - Refers to inflammation of one or more of the paranasal sinuses, which are air-filled spaces that surround the nasal cavity.
Decongestants - A treatment option for many types of sinus infections. A decongestant relieves nasal congestion and allows individuals suffering from sinusitis to breathe easier as they recover.
Mucus - A slimy substance found in the sinuses. Mucus serves to protect and lubricate the nasal passageway. An excess of mucus can develop as a reaction to a sinus infection.
Nasal endoscopy - A procedure done to clear out the sinuses during a sinus infection. It is done using an endoscope, which is a thin, flexible tube with a light and tiny camera.
Nasal steroid spray - One of the more common treatment options for a sinus infection. While there are over-the-counter nasal steroid sprays, it is best to ask you're urgent care provider about nasal steroid spray.
Septoplasty - A surgical procedure done to fix a deviated septum, which is a displacement of the bones near or in your nose. A septoplasty may be performed to treat chronic sinusitis.
Sinuses - A connected system of air-filled cavities inside of your skull. Healthy sinuses allow for the free flow of air and drainage of excess mucus in the sinuses.
Sinusitis - Also referred to as a sinus infection, sinusitis is a condition where the nasal passages are inflamed, often caused by another other infection, such as the common cold or the flu.