Conveniently Complete Drug Screening at Your Urgent Care Office

Drug Screening New Caney, TX

A drug screening can happen for different reasons. Your doctor can provide a referral for it. You may also have this type of screening at your local urgent care center. Here are the details about completing your drug screening at your nearest urgent care office.

What this type of screening is

It involves the gathering and assessment of specimens like blood, hair, urine, or saliva. The goal is to determine if the individual still has contaminants from recent drug use. A drug screening can even detect the presence of performance-enhancing drugs. Each type of screening has specific traits.

Saliva drug screening

This is also called an oral fluid screening, which is a less intrusive method of specimen collection. The urgent care provider will swab the mouth and then analyze the sample saliva. The detection period for this screening is shorter than for other types of biological specimens. For THC detection, the period may be up to 48 hours after use. This process can help employers determine if the employee has used drugs while working. Saliva screening can detect substances like PCP, cocaine, as well as opiates and marijuana.

Urine drug screening

Its simple and low-cost sample collection process makes this screening the most popular type of screening. Studies show that most employers prefer this process. The sample collection takes place at the urgent care facility. Then, the lab will process the sample using a 5- or 10-panel urine screening. Most employers choose the 5-panel screening, which can detect opioids, PCP, amphetamines, as well as cocaine and THC.

Hair drug screening

Research reveals that a hair strand can summarize the timeline of an individual’s substance intake. The strand can tell if the individual consumed cannabis months ago. This is possible because the drug leaves metabolites in the blood. The blood vessels in the scalp filter the blood, leaving the metabolites in the scalp. These substances stay in the hair and stay detectable for about three months. This drug screening can serve as a backup to a urine screening in specific cases.

Blood drug screening

This is effective in detecting the presence of substances in the blood within minutes or even hours of use. Blood screening can provide the amount of the illegal drug in the person’s body. It can help employers detect individuals who are impaired during working hours. Some of the substances detectable with this screening are fentanyl, opiates, and oxycodone.

Those who need drug screenings

Almost all individuals need screenings. Almost every employer in every industry banks on pre-employment, as well as periodic drug screening visits, to protect their employees and the public. It is critical for those working in construction, shipping, transportation, and manufacturing to have a screening schedule. This makes sure that the workers do not work while under the influence of drugs.

During a drug screening

The individual will provide a biological sample, such as urine or hair. The choice will depend on what the employee prefers. Completing a urine screening involves washing the hands and taking off excess pieces of clothing. The sample will determine the type and amount of drugs in the bloodstream.

Benefits of a drug screening

This type of test can provide a reassuring work environment for administrators and employees. It also keeps their families healthy. Urgent care facilities offer on-site screening. Employers can also refer a specific urgent care office that will perform the drug screening for them. Research shows that many employers prefer this to prevent result tampering. Here are the different benefits of this kind of testing:

  • It protects the company’s reputation

Regular screening helps maintain the company’s image, which is crucial in staying ahead. Urgent care facilities follow the regulations of the DOT (Department of Transportation) and other government offices during testing. The company’s reputation endures by partnering with urgent care facilities.

  • It promotes workplace health

The urgent care office can also address any case of substance abuse among employees with regular screening. The results can help identify individuals who need help. This routine testing can prevent accidents and injuries at work. It can then lead to a healthier, more productive workplace.

  • It saves time

Employees find it convenient to complete this type of test because the employees do not need to go to separate clinics. One specific area in the company grounds can accommodate an urgent care facility to perform the drug screening.

An urgent care clinic can complete your drug screening and provide quick results

Going to an urgent care office for your drug screening can make the process more convenient for you and your employer. The results will be quick and clear. You will not need to go to any other clinic. Urgent care providers can even do an on-site screening for your company, which can make things even more helpful. Working with your local urgent care clinic can make the experience more pleasant for everyone.

Get more information about Texas Urgent Care & Imaging Center in New Caney at

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